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Student Organization Registration Form
Campus Life & Event Services
Southeast Missouri State University

Organization Name:Black Mask Honorary Dramatic Society
Type of Registration:Renewal
Organization Classification:Honorary
Website Information (if applicable):
Purpose of Organization:
The objectives and\or of this organization will do to: 1. Stimulation and appreciation in the Dramatic Arts, not only on the university level, but in the community as well. 2. Honor those participating in the University Theatre who demonstrates outstanding ability and merit through recognition in the Black Mask Honorary Dramatic Society. 3. Encourage endeavors in the theatre inside and outside the university.
Election Information:
April of every year.
Meeting Information:
First Thursday of each month and more if needed, depending on the upcoming events.
The President and Advisor give an Application to the interested participant; this is offered only two weeks before elections. Then after the two weeks are over the current members and Advisor looks over the Application and if all requirements are met they are invited to a ceremony. Where we have elections and talk about the next years events.
Chief Executive Officer
Official Title of this Officer:President
Name:Grace Taylor
Executive Officer #2
Official Title of this Officer:Vice President
Name:Kelli Jaycox
Executive Officer #3
Official Title (if Officer):Treasurer/Secretary
Name:Rebecca Taylor
Executive Officer #4 or General Member
Official Title (if Officer):General Member
Name:Logan Borders
Executive Officer #5 or General Member
Official Title (if Officer):Gerneral Member
Name:Sarah Girardier
Campus Advisor
Name:Jeff Luetkenhaus