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Student Organization Registration Form
Campus Life & Event Services
Southeast Missouri State University

Organization Name:COMMrades Club
Type of Registration:Renewal
Organization Classification:Academic/Professional
Website Information (if applicable):
Purpose of Organization:
The purpose of the Commrades is an organization created to foster the growth of Communication Studies and Corporate Communication majors and minors through academic, professional, social and community service orientated opportunities.
Election Information:
To become an officer, one must first complete an application, which includes a cover letter and resume. One or both faculty advisors will interview possible candidates, and an ultimate decision will be at the discretion of the executive board. All club officers shall be elected in the spring semester and will serve a 1-year term from August to August. Officers may be re-elected.
Meeting Information:
We meet weekly from 12 - 1 p.m. in Room 203 of Academic Hall. Join us!
Membership is open to all students majoring in Communication Studies, Corporate Communication, Health Communication and those that minor in Communication or students highly interested in various forms of communication. All members of Commrades must pay per semester a membership fee of $5.00 due to the Club Treasurer no later than the second meeting of the semester. Members who wish to be “active” must: 1) pay dues, 2) attend one meeting per month, and 3) attend at least 3 Commrades sponsored events throughout the academic year.
Chief Executive Officer
Official Title of this Officer:President
Name:Austin Lyons
Executive Officer #2
Official Title of this Officer:Vice President
Name:Annie Henning
Executive Officer #3
Official Title (if Officer):Treasurer
Name:Jordon Hendricks
Executive Officer #4 or General Member
Official Title (if Officer):General Member
Name:Evan Renaud
Executive Officer #5 or General Member
Official Title (if Officer):General Member
Name:Andrea Statler
Campus Advisor
Name:Jeanne Harris