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Student Organization Registration Form
Campus Life & Event Services
Southeast Missouri State University

Organization Name:Collegiate Farm Bureau
Type of Registration:Renewal
Organization Classification:Academic/Professional
Website Information (if applicable):
Facebook Page - SEMO Collegiate Farm Bureau
Purpose of Organization:
Collegiate Farm Bureau's mission as a student organization is to provide students access to learning opportunities within the agricultural industry familirize students with agricultural policies and help better the community we live in.
Election Information:
A) Officer applications will be accepted by the Executive Board in March. B) The Executive Board shall present a slate of officer candidates at the April business meeting for approval. C) Officer applicants must maintain a 2.25 cumulative GPA to be eligible for a position. D) Officers must be of been enrolled at Southeast in a previous semester. E) Newly elected officers shall assume duties at the close of the last business meeting of the spring semester. F) An officer may not hold the same position for more than two consecutive years.
Meeting Information:
2nd Wednesday of the month during common hour in Magill 106
Open to any student interested in agriculture and it's policies, dues are $10.00 per year.
Chief Executive Officer
Official Title of this Officer:President
Name:Jessica Stone
Executive Officer #2
Official Title of this Officer:Vice President
Name:Ethan Basler
Executive Officer #3
Official Title (if Officer):Secretary
Name:Acacia Artis
Executive Officer #4 or General Member
Official Title (if Officer):Activities Coordinator
Name:Ashley Stahlman
Executive Officer #5 or General Member
Official Title (if Officer):Treasurer
Name:Katie Baldwin
Campus Advisor
Name:Julie Weathers